© 2024 St Olympia Orthodox Church

Appeal for Donations

Our newly-revealed 12-foot tall 19th century stained-glass windows need protection. Please consider sponsoring a plexiglass storm window for $700 installed or donating what you can toward this project in support. We have four stunning windows that we would like to cover before they get vandalized and six additional ones that we’d like to winterize


We are also in need of sponsors for carpets. Now that the moldy, hole-y 1970s carpet has been ripped out and the floor refinished, we need some area rugs. We’ve ordered four thick oriental-style wool rugs at a tremendous discount. Two 9’6” x 13’6” rugs are already covered and two need “adoption” at $575. Also a 4’6” x6’6” oval ($128), a 2’ x 3’ rug for before the altar. ($30) and a 2’ x 12’ non-slip rug pad ($42.50). You may donate directly at saintolympiaorthodoxchurch.org or if you would like more information, please contact Jessica Suchy-Pilalis