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© 2024 St Olympia Orthodox Church

Our 2024 Current Projects at St Olympia


We have finished scraping, priming, and painting the exterior trim of four stained-glass altar windows in the altar. These are ready for the plexiglass storm windows needed for both protection and energy efficiency—this will keep the altar cooler in summer and warmer in winter! To date, we have raised approximately $1500 of the $2,800 needed for all four windows. Please contribute toward this project. Every little bit helps. Go to to donate online or send a check to St. Olympia Orthodox Church, P.O. Box 122, Canton, NY 13668.


Our new rugs are now fully funded. What a beautiful enhancement of the nave. Many thanks to those who have generously contributed to this purchase!


Our thanks to Robert Docker for enlarging and crafting a new trap door to the crawl space under the altar and filling other holes in the floor. The old door was a dangerous tripping hazard. Robert also carved a new cross for the top of the Tomb of Christ (Kouvouklion) used for Holy Week and also built a liturgical table to match the iconostasis.

SUMMER CHURCH PROJECT – Re-mortaring the stone foundation and re-sloping the ground.

Our church project for the summer is about to begin. All workers at all skill levels welcome!

Phase 1 begins on June Saturday, June 15th at 10 am. Ted Ritzko will lead this project kick-off by showing people how to remove old mortar, mix and apply new mortar in the gaps in our foundation. The more willing hands we have, the faster this will go. No previous mortaring experience necessary. If we do not finish within the day, we will continue in the late afternoon on the following days. Rain dates for start of project: Sunday, June 16th after church and Saturday, June 22nd at 10 am. If you are willing to help, please text or call Ryan Carr (315)705-3927 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please mark your calendars!

Phase 2 will be scheduled upon completion of Phase 1. This will involve re-sloping the earth on the north and west sides of the church so that water doesn’t flow towards the foundation and into the basement. We will spread stone and then topsoil. When that is done, we will need to reseed the lawn.